Quest University is at 3200 University Blvd, Squamish, BC V8B0N8, Canada. The yearly tuition is 34,000 Canadian money. The acceptance rate for Quest University is 58%, and the application fee is $100. The highest degree is a Bachelor´s degree. Around 250 through 499 students will be enrolled in Quest University. They have under 50 academic faculty. The GPA of acceptance is 2.00 and above. Their best-known majors are Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Political Science, Econmics, Environmental Science, and many more. They execute the Block Plan, the Block Plan gives an unparalleled depth of education. Here at Quest, the students are educated to engage with any subject they come across. Quest University was posted around the top of Canada’s foremost poll of student’s opinions. It was the National Survey of Student Engagement.
Quest University
January 31, 2024
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About the Contributor
Emily Rodriguez, Writer