The House also voted in favor for a bill that allows the seizure and transfer of frozen Russian assets in America to Ukraine.
Former President Dmitry Medvedev condemned the “61 billion bloody dollars”. He also called for another American Civil War that “would finally lead to the inglorious breakup of the 21st Century’s evil empire, the United States of America.” On a state-owned TV talk show, a presenter said that the act of transferring Russian assets to Ukraine was “financial terrorism”. He also added that a war between NATO and Russia was “inevitable”.
While Russia is very critical of the new aid going to Ukraine, state media and Russian officials have been playing down the situation. For example, Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson stated that they “had fully expected this”, with the Russian government newspaper saying the same thing.
Another pro-Kremlin newspaper, Izvestia, had a headline saying that “US aid won’t change the situation on the battlefield”. Putin’s spokesperson said almost the same thing, adding that “the Russian armed forces are improving their positions in the Special Military Operation [Russo-Ukrainian War]”.
On top of this, many other pro-Russian media and officials are saying that the US is getting “dragged into another war it will lose”. On Monday, Izvestia asked: “Off the top of their heads, can anyone name one major conflict from which the Americans emerged undisputed victors? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?”